Sunday 17 February 2013


This is one of those places which used to serve as a community centre in a local park. It is now closed but its new purpose is to be a graffiti wall....I wonder when they turn it into a pub :)

1 comment:

  1. My comments on this image should be regarded as jut another opinion as Richard set this task. I feel a little ill at ease with this image. It is a loverly photograph, you have framed it perfectly, your exposure and tonal control are exemplary and the way that you have used the shadows really drags your vision towards the building. By using black and white you have created an timeless image, te viewer is not sure which era this image is from, it could almost be anytime in the last century.

    The bit that concerns me is when you add the text, its does not really match up with te style of the image. The building does not really look closed down, and there is no real evidence of graffiti. By graffiti wall do you mean that it will just be a building that is vandalised, or will it become a official venue for graffiti.

    I hope that doesn't sound harsh, I like your image a lot.
